Fishing report for week of June 21st

Published Jun 21, 11:10pm

Kentucky lake levels have been ‘up and down’ this week, with levels today(Friday), at 358.9ft. with TVA predicting a rise this week to a crest of just under 360ft by next Thursday.  Flow rates have been ranging from 35,000cfs to 60,000cfs in the NewJohnsonville area.  water color has been clear across most to the reservoir with average water temperatures around the 80 degree mark. 

Bass fishermen have been seeing some improvement in ledge bite, but many fishermen have still been hitting the bank line where shad have been present. with the rising water, expect many bass to head shore-ward, but if the lake starts falling back to summer pool we expect to have the bass move out to the humps and ledges.  The shad are still along the shallow shoreline, with what looks like a enormous spawn, and expect the ledge bite to improve, as these fry to head out to the open water of Kentucky lake over the next few weeks.

Crappie fishermen have continued to have a hard time getting out in the deeper areas due to the strong winds.  Crappie fishermen usually head out towards the open water and the river flats this time of year, finding 15-20ft depths the being the most productive.  

Catfish continue to be taken by crappie fishermen, in depths of 10-25ft, most cats should be done with spawning by the first week of July, with an improvement in the catch rate as fish return to the river channel.

mayflies hatches have continued to be seen across the lake, with bluegill and other fish taking full advantage of the bounty.